Saturday, January 22, 2011

Rose City Classic 2011 - Saturday

Poor Leo, tomorrow night I'll do his blog post first. He gets the short end of the stick, no pun intended, but I'm tired and need sleep. Today was our first day of attending the Rose City Classic and, with good reason, probably the busiest day of all five. Additional details can be read on his sister's blog here, but suffice it to say, we're exhausted and I should have crashed an hour ago.
Leo was entered in rally today and rally tomorrow. My hope is that we can complete his Rally Novice (RN) title at Rose City. It'd be a really great place to get his title, and in many ways a huge compliment to him as to how well he handled the insane environment in comparison to most dog shows.

Here is our course from today:
The course was nice without anything I felt would be too tricky. The hardest part for us is really the quick downs like # 2. But, Leo did well. What I never counted on was him being concerned about the cones. Guess what I'll be picking up in the next couple days? We probably got docked a 10 point fault for repeating a station for #12 because he stopped cold and didn't want to move forward. When I couldn't get him to I stepped back a half step and then got him to move just lightly enough to go into the 270. From there we were done but that combined with not having a nice, tight heel left us with a score of 78. A Q but not what I had hoped considering the course seemed doable with him and the kind of heeling I was getting outside the ring. But then again, it's Rose City AKA chaos central.

No placement but our second leg toward Leo's RN. I was proud of my little guy for his awesome movement, his perkiness, and his quick response to sitting and downs and also not being afraid of the picket fencing around the ring. Every step is in the right direction and tomorrow we get another shot.

Here's a picture from this evening shortly after we got home - tuckered pups.

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